Sara Daniel Romance Author: August 2016

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Private Wolf #NewRelease from @tl_reeve @BlackHillsWolf #shifterromance #pnr @DecadentPub

Spotlight on Private Wolf by TL Reeve

Shawn Blu, tracker and private investigator, has come home. As a pack tracker, he’s ready to defend Los Lobos and use his contacts to find pack members and bring them back into the fold. So, when Miss Fern, his aunt, asks him to find Brienne Talbert, he’s happy to help out. What he isn’t expecting is to find his mate.

Brienne left home at sixteen, knowing she’d return to the Black Hills and Los Lobos one day. As it stands, in six months she’ll graduate with her master’s degree and there’s no way anyone will stop her now. However, when the hunky slab of wolf Shawn Blu shows up with a tempting offer—a week with her pack, no strings attached—she’s willing to reconsider her harsh stance about not going home.

When one weekend turns into a mating she hadn’t planned on, will she be able to leave it all behind and return to school, or will the call of her pack be too much to turn her back on?

Shawn Blu walked into Los Lobos Café and spotted his aunt at a table near the far wall. In front of her sat a paperback book and a mug, along with a pastry. Behind the counter, Ero took the order from a new female. Her long dark hair was pulled into a messy bun, and her gray eyes glittered with—arousal? If the other wolf noticed, he appeared indifferent to it. Oh well. Bypassing his normal routine, of ordering coffee and Danish, he marched over and sat at the table where his aunt waited. Fern glanced up at him. Her warm, affectionate smile greeted him.

“Good morning, Auntie.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “That twinkle in your eye says you’re up to no good.”

Fern laughed and patted his hand. “I have a job for you.”

A job. Why hadn’t she mentioned it last night when he came over for dinner?

Why did they have to meet in the café? “Okay. What is it?”

“Well, technically, it is two jobs….”


Ero approached with a cup in one hand and a sweet treat in the other. “You didn’t order. I see why now.” He grinned then winked at Fern.

“I didn’t want to interrupt your time with Cynthia,” Shawn teased. “She’s interested in you.”

“Don’t I know it.” Ero frowned. “But there’s…the spark’s not there.” He glanced at his brother, Luc, who sat in his usual spot.

“Say no more, I understand.” He did, too. They were waiting for their perfect mate. Might be a while, but Shawn had a feeling it would happen. “Thanks for the coffee.”

“You’re welcome.”

Taking a sip of the piping-hot brew, he waited for Ero to leave before returning to the conversation with his aunt. The way Fern watched him—assessing him—left him uneasy. “Should I be afraid of what you’re going to ask of me?”

“Never,” she assured him. “In fact, you’ll win tons of brownie points with Miss Claire if you do this for me.”

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Author Bio

TL Reeve, is a bestselling, multi-published author with Cobblestone Press, Decadent Publishing, Evernight Publishing, Loose-Id and ARe Books. Living in Alabama, TL misses Los Angeles, and will one-day return to Southern California to ride the waves at Huntington Beach. When not writing something hot and sexy, TL can be found curled up with a good book, or working on homework with a cute little pixie. ​

You can sign-up for her newsletter at:

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Monday, August 29, 2016

My Favorite Family Meal #SpaghettiPie #recipe

Sometimes you try a recipe and it’s so good and so perfect that it becomes a family staple. I discovered this recipe years ago when my kids were small, and today we all agree that it is our favorite family meal.

Spaghetti Pie
Angel Hair pasta or spaghetti (Confession: I have no idea how much. I use a handful of noodles or about 2 cups of cooked noodles. Basically, make enough to cover the bottom of a pie pan.)
2 eggs
1 tbsp. margarine or butter
⅓ cup Parmesan cheese, grated
16-22 oz. cottage cheese
16 oz Polska Kielbasa (or smoked/other sausage or ½-1lb hamburger) – skip this if you prefer a meatless option
1½ cups of your favorite spaghetti sauce
1 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded

Preheat oven to 375°F.

Cook the pasta according to package instructions and drain.

Combine 1 egg, Parmesan cheese, and margarine. Stir into hot pasta. (If you use cold leftover spaghetti, melt the margarine before you mix everything together.) Press mixture into the bottom and up the side of a greased round 9-inch pie pan.

Combine cottage cheese and 1 egg. Spread over crust.

Cook ⅔ of sausage and cut into small chunks. Combine with spaghetti sauce. Heat. Pour over cottage cheese mixture.

Bake for 20-25 minutes or until the pie is not runny.

Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese. Bake for 5 minutes more or until cheese is melted.

Cook remaining Polska Kielbasa, and serve in chunks as a side.

Enjoy! I always serve this with cheesy garlic bread, although I burned the bread in the picture because I was working on my blog post instead of checking the oven!! Oops!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Interview with Patrick! Shadow Eyes Re-Release #BlogTour and $50 Amazon Card Giveaway @dustycrabtree

Guest Post by Dusty Crabtree

Thank you for hosting me, Sara! It’s been a long time coming, but I’m so thrilled to finally be re-releasing my young adult, urban fantasy, Shadow Eyes! It was first released in 2012 by Musa Publishing. Musa closed in 2015, and since Shadow Eyes was my first novel, I took the opportunity to revise and change a few minor things before self-publishing it this time. I am very happy with this second version and I hope you will love it too!

(Everyone, don’t forget to enter the rafflecopter below for a chance to win a print copy of Shadow Eyes and a $50 gift card to Amazon!)

Let’s check out the synopsis for Shadow Eyes first…

Iris thought she could ignore the shadows…until they came after everyone she loved.

Seventeen-year- old Iris Kohl has been able to see both dark and light figures ever since a tragic incident three years ago. The problem is, no one else seems to see them, and even worse…the dark figures terrorize humans, but Iris is powerless to stop them. 

Although she’s learned to deal with watching shadows harass everyone around her, Iris is soon forced to question everything she thinks she knows about her world and herself. Her sanity, strength, and will power are tested to the limits by not only the shadows, but also a handsome new teacher whose presence scares away shadows, a new friend with an awe-inspiriting aura, and a mysterious, alluring new student whom Iris has a hard time resisting despite already having a boyfriend. As the shadows invade and terrorize her own life and family, Iris must ultimately accept the guidance of an angel to revisit the most horrific event of her life and become the hero she was meant to be.

Okay, now to the interview with the one and only, Patrick!
(Note: This is pre-ending Patrick, since he does change somewhat…)

So, Patrick, why do you think Dusty Crabtree chose you for this interview?

Well, don’t tell anyone, but I think she has a small crush on me.  It’s embarrassing, really.  I can’t say that I blame her, though.  It’s her fault anyway for making me so smooth and desirable.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Patrick Morris.  I live in Indiana.  Dusty describes me as a blond-haired, green-eyed James Dean, so uh… (sniff) …I guess you could say I’m a ladies man.

Will we be seeing more of you in the future?

Oh, Dusty won’t be getting rid of me any time soon.  I’m kind of a big deal.  At least to Iris I am, and she’s an even bigger deal.  So, yeah, I think I’ll be sticking around for the long haul.  At least until this series is over.

What is your perfect evening?

With Iris, just relaxing.  No distractions.  Nobody and no-thing getting in the way.

What really pushes your buttons?

When people try to ask me about my father losing his job or anything else I’m uncomfortable with.  Basically anything about my past.

What are your biggest turn ons?

One word…Iris.

What are your biggest turn offs?

Kyra.  People getting in my business.  Doing things I really don’t want to do.

What do you like most about Iris?
Well, I would say “everything,” but I’m assuming that’s too corny and cliché and that you’re looking for a more specific answer, so…let me try again.  I love her innocence and naivety.  There’s just something so sweet about that quality in her.  It kind of melts me heart, to be honest.  But if anyone asks, I didn’t say that.

What do you like least about Iris?

I know this will sound weird, but the same quality I love, kind of gets annoying too.  Sometimes I wish she would just open up her eyes and see what’s truly going on around her.  It would make my life a whole lot easier.  Well, more difficult at first probably, but in the end, a lot easier.

What, if anything, would you like to change about your life?

A decision I made about a year ago.  It was probably the worst decision of my life, and now I’m paying for it. 

What is your biggest fear?

That Iris will find out my secret.  But also, that she won’t.

Why should readers be interested in your story?

There is way more to me (not to mention Iris and some of the other characters) than meets the eye.  If you want to know my whole story, complete with my dark and brooding past, you’re going to have to read about it.

Author Bio:

Dusty Crabtree loves a good story, but she also loves young people. These two loves are evident in all parts of her life. She has been a high school English teacher since 2006 and a creative writing teacher since 2014. She's also been a youth sponsor at her local church for as long as she’s been teaching. She feels very blessed with the amazing opportunities she has to develop meaningful relationships with teens on a daily basis. With her love of reading in the mix, becoming an author of young adult books was just a natural development of those two passions in her life. She lives with her husband, Clayton, in Yukon, Oklahoma, where they often serve their community as foster parents.

Check out Dusty’s blog at
Follow her on twitter at
Follow her on Instagram – dustycrabtree12
Buy Shadow Eyes on Amazon or other major online bookstores like Barnes&Noble and Apple (print will also be available on Amazon by the release date – 9/2/16)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To see other posts on this tour and to increase your chances of winning, visit Dusty’s blog for the schedule with links as they are posted. (link to my post -

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Sugary Sweets Blog Hop #99cents @AMWillard1 #indie

★☆ Sugary Sweets Author / Blog Hop ★☆

Sugary Sweets by A.M. Willard is now LIVE and only #99cents

Amazon US →
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Kobo   →

I am excited to be a part of this Author/blog hop, celebrating the release of Sugary Sweets by A.M. Willard. I am giving away an e-copy of The Bad Boy's Guilt, the 2nd book in The Bad Boys of Regret Hollow series. (The first book in the series, The Bad Boy's Gift, is currently free for everyone at your favorite e-retailer.)
To enter and for a chance to win follow these fun things below.
Tell me your favorite cupcake in the comments below. (Mine is chocolate mousse!)
Sharing is not required, but sharing is caring.

Thanks again for visiting, and if you’d like to join the Facebook Release Party, join here:

Next Stop: Elison Grace
This hop closes at midnight August 24, 2016 and the winners will be picked below the following day. For the list of hoppers, visit author A.M. Willard’s Facebook page here and check out the comment section.
All Blog Hop Stops:
A.M. Willard
Ashlee Taylor
A.M. Guilliams
S.L. Stacker
Michelle Iannarelli
Scarlet Darkwood
Silla Webb
Courtney Shockey
Misha Elliott
J. Haney
Hilary Grossman
Gia Riley
Brandy Lynn
S E Rise
Tammy Andresen
Maggie Dallen
Sharon Cummin
SM Stryker
Sara Daniel
Elison Grace
Ashley Hampton
Stephanie Rose
M.L. Steinbrunn
Adam Rossco
Ryleigh Andrews
Velvet Reed
Danielle Rose
Kimberly Blalock
Amy Stephens
Nikki Lynn Barrett
Aleya Michelle
Jen Cousineau
D.M. Earl
Dawn Earley
Nicole Richard
Isabelle Richards
Penny Harmon
RC Boldt
Marissa Dobson
Aleya Michelle

Sunday, August 21, 2016

#FlashSale #99cents A Model Hero @DecadentPub

Today and Tomorrow Only!
A Model Hero is on sale for only 99 cents.
This hero is always hot,
but this sale is only hot for a limited time!

A Model Hero

Gretchen Meyers is a full-figured woman living in a model thin world. Desperate to end her mother's constant, nagging stream of dieting and fashion “advice,” Gretchen tackles the challenge of reviving her mother’s faltering modeling agency. All she needs is to woo back Kyle Ramsey, once the hottest model in the country.

Making the preemptive choice to turn his back on his career seemed Kyle’s only option until Gretchen comes calling. He doesn’t care what she wants to offer him, the answer is no. Still, he’s intrigued by her refreshing personality and all her lovely, lush curves.

When tragedy strikes, Kyle finds comfort and healing in Gretchen’s arms. But he can’t trust her with his career-ending secret and she doesn’t believe their relationship will survive the long term. He’s perfect and she’s not even close. Can the fragile ties holding them together survive Kyle’s opportunity to become a true model hero?

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Novellas and Other Basic Literary Structures by @CarolABrowne #writingcraft #pubtip

Guest Post by Carol Browne

As authors go, I consider myself to be fairly ignorant when it comes to the mechanics of my craft. I’m like someone who drives but hasn’t a clue how the engine works and can’t tell one make of car from another. I find myself perplexed at times by the multitude of genres and their crossovers. Similarly, the many structures and formats one is supposed to adhere to are tiresome. Perhaps I don’t like rules and regulations, or it could be I’m too lazy to learn them.

Recently, when I finished my latest work, a novella called Reality Check, I decided to address my ignorance of basic literary structures by finding out exactly what constitutes a novella.

The novella (Italian,‘new’) started to develop as a literary genre during the Renaissance (notably in 1348 with the The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio), and in the late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth centuries the genre acquired various rules and structural requirements.
With a word count of between 17,500 and 40,000, the novella tends to be more complex than a short story but has far fewer conflicts than a novel. Frequently a novella is designed to be read at a single sitting.

Chapter divisions, subplots, different points of view, and changes in genre are not features commonly found in the novella. It turns its back on the wider world to focus instead on personal development. It’s like taking a short story then embellishing it with descriptive passages, expanding on the characterisation, and exploring the conflicts in greater depth.

You’d be surprised to know how many great literary works are novellas—Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, and Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Grey, to name but a few.

I’m surprised to find that Reality Check meets the requirements, albeit by accident! Out of interest I also note that German writers see the novella as a narrative of any length that focuses on one suspenseful situation or conflict, with a decisive turning point that leads to a reasonable but surprising conclusion. Reality Check has ticked all the boxes there too. All I need now is a publisher!

Carol Browne regards Crewe, Cheshire, as her home town and graduated from Nottingham University in 1976 with an honors degree in English Language and Literature. Carol writes speculative fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. She is also a ghost blog writer, proofreader, copy editor, and copywriter. Along with a passion for gardening, Carol is an avid animal lover.

Carol lives in the Cambridgeshire countryside with her dog, Harry, and cockatiel, Sparky.Pagan and vegan, Carol believes it is time for a paradigm shift in our attitude to Mother Nature and hopes the days of speciesism are numbered.

Stay connected with Carol on her website and blog, Facebook, and Twitter.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Guest post from @pagehalffull #regencyromance #characterinterview

My guest today is Susan Lodge, noted Regency romance author. Susan appears to have a guest with her. Who do you have here, Susan?

I have brought along Hetty Avebury who is the heroine of Only a Hero Will Do. She wishes to share some advice about travelling at sea in the nineteenth century. Hetty unfortunately found herself trapped on a naval ship, uninvited and...

Excuse me, Susan. If I am not mistaken, you did say I could do this blog - after all I am the person who experienced the stressful, but enlightening, voyage and I don't want you to say anything indelicate. Perhaps you can go and arrange the refreshments. I will look after the visitors. Oh! Where are my guests precisely?

Okay, Hetty, you carry on. Trust me, they are out there listening, just talk – you’re good at that. But don’t give away too much of the plot before I come back.

Good! She has gone. Good day - are you there? Well I shall continue even though I fear my author has become quite addle brained. Did you know, dear guests, Susan’s ambition is to travel into space. Ha! What a strange thought. A coach that takes flight into the sky- without horses!

I hope she brings back some scones as I have a weakness for scones. In fact I have a few weaknesses. Gambling is one – luckily I am very good at it. My scheming family do not realize that I am able to gain funds this way. Therefore you might say it is also a strength.

Another weakness is books. I do love books! I can never get enough of the exciting informative kind (if you understand my meaning). The attendant at the library back home always examined my choices, so they were limited to the mundane. However, whilst I was at sea, Dr Withington lent me some books which were very informative.

But I must return our attentions to the purpose of this blog, where I will share some useful tips about sea travel.

So here are eight things a Regency lady needs to know about travelling (uninvited) on a naval ship in hostile waters.

1. Make sure you know which is the leeward side (the sheltered side) of the ship. It is important to know which way the wind is blowing when you are prone to seasickness. It was a shame about Doctor Withington’s coat-but luckily it was only his second best.

2. Do not stray from the quarterdeck. The stern end is the civilized end of the ship. Although it is a lot more colourful down the pointed end.

3. Prepare for your sleep to be interrupted. The ringing of the ship’s bell and the beating of drums occur at regular and unsociable times.

4. Do not complain of boredom, believe me that is a good sign. If you see a French ship approaching things will get very unpleasant, and you will soon wish to be bored again.

5. If you have a chance to pack for the journey (which I did not) include warm clothing. Also a supply of lemon juice is useful to bathe freckles, which multiply like a plague of insects across your skin once exposed to the sea air.

6. Prepare to be stoic. You will witness the misery and sacrifice of war. Even If you are lucky enough to avoid battle, deaths on board from injury and disease occur frequently.

7. Do remember to knock the weevils from the ships biscuits, and do not try to cut biscuits into delicate pieces; they resist all attempts.

8. If there is a tall, sombre physician around, whose job it is to keep you out of trouble, and looks at you with eyes … Oh, no – she is coming back with the tea - but alas no scones.

There is much more to tell, and if you feel like indulging in a romantic adventure and discovering what happened during and after my unscheduled voyage, please take a look at Only a Hero Will Do. (I haven’t even begun to tell you about Doctor Withington and you need to know about him.)

Marriage to a cruel dandy is not how Hetty Avebury envisions spending the rest of her life. Determined to avoid the match, she raises funds the only way she knows how – gambling. Her plans go astray and she finds herself on board a man-of-war under the care of its high handed physician. But Hetty soon realizes that Doctor Withington is not quite the stuffed shirt she had first imagined.

If it wasn’t bad enough declaring one of the pressed men as a woman, Robert has been tasked with the tiresome job of returning her safely back to her dysfunctional family. It was ten years ago when his father gambled away his inheritance, home, and any chance of marrying the woman he loved. So when Robert discovers Hetty gambling he takes drastic action to cure her of the habit.

Amazon Buy Link

Susan Lodge’s first publication was a story for a UK national woman’s magazine. Heady with this breakthrough, she went on to write her first novel. She loves writing contemporary and historical romance, usually with a large dose of humour. Susan believes the romance genre lends itself superbly to funny moments, as love can make people act very oddly.

Susan has a science degree and always wanted to be an astronaut, but instead spent most of her career in the Civil Service. She would love to secure a seat on Richard Branson’s space flight. However, to find the funds she needs to either write a best seller or win the lottery.

After working in several cities including London and Bristol, she and her husband moved down to the Hampshire coast to raise their family.

Catch up with Susan on her website and blog. Stay connected on Facebook and Twitter.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

A Legend-"dairy" Dessert from @sharonledwith #recipe #chocolate #bananasplit

Guest Post by Sharon Ledwith

Make any day special with my dynamite dessert Legend(dairy) Chocolate-Banana Split Dream. Here's how the yumness came to be. In my book, Legend of the Timekeepers—the prequel to The Last Timekeepers series—my adolescent characters Lilith, her BFF She-Aba, and an annoying goat-herder named Tau are transported from the Black Land through the seventh Arch of Atlantis, and travel back in time to Atlantis one hundred years before its final destruction. There, Tau finds that he has an insatiable taste for a strange, long yellow fruit he’s never seen before. Fortunately for us, this long yellow fruit—a.k.a. bananas—are readily available at our local markets, and used in some wicked-awesome recipes. The following recipe is easy to make, and is a great pick for families to create together on those cool or rainy weekend afternoons or family celebrations:

Legend(dairy) Chocolate-Banana Split Dream
30 Oreo Cookies (or generic brand), finely crushed (about 2¼ cups)
6 tbsp. butter, melted
1 pkg. (250 g) your favorite brand of Cream Cheese, softened
¼ cup sugar
2 tbsp. cold milk
3 cups thawed your favorite brand of whipped topping, divided
4 bananas, sliced
2 pkg. (4-serving size each) of your favorite brand chocolate instant pudding
3¼ cups cold milk
1 third cup maraschino cherries, halved
¼ cup chopped toasted walnuts
2 tbsp. chocolate syrup

Mix cookie crumbs and butter; press onto bottom of 13x9-inch dish. Refrigerate until ready to use.

Beat cream cheese, sugar and 2 tbsp. milk in medium bowl with whisk until well blended. Stir in 1 cup whipped topping; spread over crust. Top with bananas.

Beat pudding mixes and milk with whisk for two minutes; spread over bananas. Let stand five minutes or until thickened; cover with remaining whipped topping. Refrigerate four hours.

Top with cherries, nuts, and syrup just before serving.

Did I forget to mention that this fantastic dessert serves twenty-four of your closest friends? That’s a good thing, seeing as Tau has a big family! Now, while you’re waiting for this dessert to set, why not partake in an afternoon of cozying up on the couch with a good book?

There is no moving forward without first going back.

Lilith was a young girl with dreams and a family before the final destruction of Atlantis shattered those dreams and tore her family apart. Now refugees, Lilith and her father make their home in the Black Land. This strange, new country has no place in Lilith’s heart until a beloved high priestess introduces Lilith to her life purpose—to be a Timekeeper and keep time safe.

Summoned through the seventh arch of Atlantis by the Children of the Law of One, Lilith and her newfound friends are sent into Atlantis’s past, and given a task that will ultimately test their courage and try their faith in each other. Can the Timekeepers stop the dark magus Belial before he changes the seers’ prophecy? If they fail, then their future and the earth’s fate will be altered forever.

To read an excerpt from Legend of the Timekeepers or purchase a copy, please click a vendor's name
Mirror World Publishing - Amazon US - Amazon CA

If you haven’t already read Sharon Ledwith's novel, The Last Timekeepers and the Arch of Atlantis, here’s the blurb…

When 13-year-old Amanda Sault and her annoying classmates are caught in a food fight at school, they're given a choice: suspension or yard duty. The decision is a no-brainer. Their two-week crash course in landscaping leads to the discovery of a weathered stone arch in the overgrown back yard. The arch isn't a forgotten lawn ornament but an ancient time portal from the lost continent of Atlantis.

Chosen by an Atlantean Magus to be Timekeepers--legendary time travelers sworn to keep history safe from the evil Belial--Amanda and her classmates are sent on an adventure of a lifetime. Can they find the young Robin Hood and his merry band of teens? If they don't, then history itself may be turned upside down.

To read more of the Arch of Atlantis or purchase a copy, please click a vendor's name
Mirror World Publishing - Amazon US - Amazon CA

BONUS: Download the free PDF short story The Terrible, Mighty Crystal HERE.

Check out The Last Timekeepers series Facebook Page.

Sharon Ledwith is the author of the middle-grade/YA time travel series, THE LAST TIMEKEEPERS, available through Mirror World Publishing, and is represented by Walden House (Books & Stuff) for her teen psychic series, MYSTERIOUS TALES FROM FAIRY FALLS. When not writing, researching, or revising, she enjoys reading, exercising, anything arcane, and an occasional dram of scotch. Sharon lives a serene, yet busy life in a southern tourist region of Ontario, Canada, with her hubby, one spoiled yellow Labrador and a moody calico cat.

Learn more about Sharon Ledwith on her website and blog. Stay connected on Facebook and Twitter, Google+, and Goodreads. Look up her Amazon Author page for a list of current books.