Sara Daniel Romance Author: June 2014

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Author Interview with @EMorgan2010 #writerslife

Today, I'm interviewing Elizabeth Morgan, who had a new book out with Decadent Publishing. Welcome Elizabeth! Can you tell us a little about yourself and what you write?

Hello Sara, thank you so much for having me over today. Sure I can. J

I'm Elizabeth Morgan and I'm a multi-published author of urban fantasy, paranormal, erotic horror, f/f, and contemporary; all my stories have a degree of romance, a dose of action and usually a hit of sarcasm, sizzle or blood, but no matter what I give a unique and often humorous spin to my stories.

I live in Cheshire, UK with my two cats Phantom & MJ - named after my fave musical; The Phantom of the Opera, and my fave musical artist; Michael Jackson. If I'm not writing I am either relaxing with a book, watching a film or one of my fave television shows, playing on the sims, or I am in my garden growling at weeds, or planting seeds.

Where do you get your writing inspiration?

Mostly from dreams; I have a lot of strange dreams. Although, a lot of the ideas I have had are still in my slush pile folder waiting to me wrote. The only dream idea that I have written is my new release, Stepping Stones.

In the dream I was Maggie, or rather in her shoes, the taxi I was in pulled up outside this beautiful church on the edge of a cliff. As soon as I got out of the taxi the bride comes running up to me; her maid of honour couldn’t make it so I needed to take her place. As you can imagine I wasn't very happy about being her second choice or a last minute one, but I agreed.

The scene then jumps to me dressed in a bridesmaid dress walking down the aisle, and then I nearly go face first because my ex was the Vicar. Awkward. I am uncomfortable through the ceremony and as soon as it is over I try to get away from him only to bump into another man, but I'm angry at this one, hurt by him, confused. So I storm off. End of dream.

Well, there was a story there so I left the idea to stew in the back of my mind, I actually think it was stewing for two years in total, and then when I had the itch to write it, I did and Stepping Stones was born.

Otherwise the rest of my ideas can be from random conversations, lyrics, sometimes even scenes from tv, or that are playing out in real life before my eyes.

What do like to do when you’re not writing?

Reading, watching films of television shows, playing on the sims, hanging out with family or friends, playing with my cats, or gardening.

What does a typical writing day look like for you?

My writing days have changed a great deal from when I started, and that is due to changes in my personal life. At the moment and I am rather ashamed to say, I have to sit and write whenever I get the chance, but when I do I find I could be writing for a good few hours. I like to put my headphones on and listen to the playlist I have made for the story, it blocks everything else out so I am able to focus.

What is your favorite part of writing?

The progress of the story; I love watching how the characters change as they go on their journey, and I love finishing a book, because I love going back to the beginning and reading through it, and remembering how I might have been stressed of stuck at moments, but that it was worth it because I'm happy with the way the story unfolded.

What is the hardest part?

At the moment, for me it is having the time to write. When so much is going on around you, and your energy is flagging, well, it can be very frustrating when you want to read and are finding it hard to form a sentence.

Do you have a new or upcoming release you can share with us?

June 17th marked the release of my sweet contemporary romance, Stepping Stones. It is a story of retracing your steps, realization, forgiveness and second chances, and it is all about family, faith, friendship and love. The blurb and an excerpt are below for you to peruse. J

How can readers connect with you? (Social media links/buy links)

I sure do. J Everywhere to find me online:

~ * ~
Thank you for having me over today and thank you to all of you for stopping by. If you would be interested in winning a copy of my new release, Stepping Stones or maybe a swag pack, then please do leave an entry on the rafflecopter at the end of the post. J

~ * ~
Stepping Stones
(Sweet Contemporary Romance)
By Elizabeth Morgan


There's nothing like a wedding to bring the family together....

If not for her baby sister’s impending marriage, Margaret West would never return home. But after six long years, she finds herself a maid of honor who must answer to the people she left behind.

If her parents’ interrogation doesn’t drive her to drink, facing her foster brother, Adrian, just might. To make matters worse, her ex-fiancé is the vicar who will conduct her sister’s ceremony.

Everyone demands to know why she ran off. But the more time she spends at home, the more Margaret realizes even she doesn’t know the real reason.

Length: Novella (32,000/91 pages)| Content: Sweet Romance/Contemporary| Publisher: Bono Books

Buy Links:
Bono Books/Decadent Publishing

~ * ~

“When is Aidy getting here?” Jessica grabbed the large bowl of scrambled eggs and brought it closer to her plate.
“I think his flight is due in at three.” My mother placed a dish of bacon on the table and took a seat beside me. “He will be in time for the wedding rehearsal; don’t worry.”
 My stomach clenched. “Wedding rehearsal?” I coughed, trying to clear the chunk of toast lodged in my throat. “What wedding rehearsal?”
“Today at four. We’re running through the service.” Jess scooped egg onto her plate. “I told you.”
Nervous laughter bubbled in my throat and try as I may, I couldn’t stop shaking my head. “No.” I patted my chest. “No, you never mentioned a rehearsal.”
“Oh.” She placed the bowl back in the middle of the table. “I could have sworn I did.”
“Nope, you didn’t. Believe me, I would have remembered otherwise.” I grabbed my mug and knocked the coffee back before finishing my piece of toast.
“Well, it’s no big deal.” Edward took the bowl of eggs and helped himself. “Just a quick run-through.”
“Will everyone be there?” Forcing a smile on my face, I looked up at them both, hoping like hell my question would pass as innocent and genuine curiosity.
“Anyone who is involved in the wedding itself will be.”
Great. So that meant Jessica, Edward, the parents, and the bridesmaids, plus me. That left Adrian and…. “Will Vicar Taylor, be there?”
Oh God, did my voice just go higher?
“Yes, Margaret, William will be there. He is the one who is marrying Jessie and Edward, so he needs to be there.” My father skewered some bacon and tomatoes onto his fork.
Grimacing, I reached out and grabbed another piece of toast. “Just a question, Pa.” A stupid one, but a question nevertheless….
“It is normal for people to have wedding rehearsals, Margaret. Just because you—”
Jess picked up the coffeepot. “Does anyone want more coffee?”
I straightened, my focus fixed on Pa. “I’m aware of that.”
My father’s shoulders went rigid. He lifted his head and our gazes locked. I didn’t miss the way the muscle in the side of his neck ticked. Arguing with my father in front of Jessica and Edward was not an option, so I looked away.
“Please.” I held out my mug and Jess poured the dark liquid.
I could kick myself. A wedding rehearsal hadn’t even crossed my mind. Having to stand at the altar before William on the actual wedding day would be hard enough, but having to do it twice…my stomach churned.
“So, will Adrian come straight to the church?” Edward cut the awkward silence.
“Yes. He will get a taxi to the church, and then we will bring him and his luggage back here.” My mother held her mug out to Jess.
“Adrian is staying here? Tonight?” I added sugar to my coffee. “Won’t it be crowded? I thought—”
“No more crowded than it was in your childhood.” My father took a bite out of his toast.
More and more good news. Of course he would be staying here; it was his family home after all. I guess, it was stupid of me to hope that he would go to a B&B, but my parents wouldn’t have allowed it even if he did suggest it. I hadn’t seen him in six years, hadn’t spoken to him. And yet, in a couple of hours I would be locked in the same house as him.
~ * ~
Author Bio:

Elizabeth Morgan is a multi-published author of urban fantasy, paranormal, erotic horror, f/f, and contemporary; all with a degree of romance, a dose of action and a hit of sarcasm, sizzle or blood, but you can be sure that no matter what the genre, Elizabeth always manages to give a unique and often humorous spin to her stories.

Like her tagline says; A pick ‘n’ mix genre author. “I’m not greedy. I just like variety.”

And that she does, author of erotic ménage horror, Creak, paranormal erotic horror and UK, US & Australian Amazon best seller (Gay/Lesbian, Fiction, Lesbian), On the Rocks, and erotic romance, US, UK and Spanish Amazon bestseller (Erotica Short Story) Truth or Dare? She also has her hand in self-publishing.

Razel Dazzle, her modern adult retelling of the fairytale Rapunzel, was her first taste of publishing her own stories, and now she has the hang of it, it will definitely not be her last. Look out for more information on her upcoming releases at her website:

Away from the computer, Elizabeth can be found in the garden trying hard not to kill her plants, dancing around her little cottage with the radio on while she cleans, watching movies or good television programmes – Dr Who? Atlantis? The Musketeers? Heck, yes! – Or curled up with her two cats reading a book.
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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Once Upon a Marriage - Teaser - July 1st release! @MySexySaturday @DecadentPub

Once Upon a Marriage

“You hate me,” Ian whispered, feeling more nauseous than if he’d ingested a prosthetic eyeball.

How could she not hate him when she believed their personal relationship had meant less to him than an employment issue?

Armina gazed beyond his left shoulder. “I don’t hate you. I’ve never hated you. When we got married, I understood you had a strong work ethic combined with an unusual drive to succeed and a consuming passion for the Inn. I knew I’d come in second to this place.”

He opened his mouth, wanting to argue, but couldn’t. If she’d made him choose, he wouldn’t have picked her.

“I thought I was okay with it,” she continued. “After all, I loved the Inn, too, and wanted you to realize your vision for it. Turns out I wasn’t okay. I didn’t realize how distant second place actually was.” She shrugged her slim shoulders. “Live and learn, right?”

Not right. He wanted to take back the lesson and teach her about real love instead. “You never should have had to settle for second place. With me or with anyone else. No one has the right to ask that of you.”

“Agreed.” Her voice came out stronger, her shoulders squared, and she looked him directly in the eye. “Now you understand why I want a divorce.”

Buy Links:
Barnes & Noble
All Romance eBooks

Get a sneak peek at more Beyond Fairytales stories coming soon here.

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Thursday, June 26, 2014

June Release Madness by Lucy Felthouse @cw1985

June Release Madness
by Lucy Felthouse

Thanks so much to Sara for letting me stop by her blog and share a little about my new releases. Yes, that’s releases, plural. Because I write for several publishers, all on different schedules and releasing books at different speeds – I ended up with THREE new releases for June! Throw in four birthdays (two big birthdays) and Father’s Day and let’s just say it’s been a busy old month and I’m looking forward to a more relaxed July!

Calendar Men: Mr June – The Other Brother was the first book to hit shelves, on 1st June. It’s part of Decadent Publishing’s multi-author Calendar Men series – and I’m very excited to be part of such a cool project! Each author (including Sara!) was given a month, a central theme of a charity calendar, and asked to write an erotic romance around it. My tale is set in New York City and deals with a photographer who lost her fiancé in Iraq. She’s trying to get on with life, but then her late fiancé’s brother shows up, and turns everything upside down. It’s a very bittersweet story, but there are lots of fun parts in there, too. I really enjoyed writing it, especially all the research involved—I’ve never been to NYC!

Sweet Spot is a lesbian sports romance novella. This was also out of my comfort zone, to a degree, as until I co-wrote Grand Slam with Lily Harlem, I’d never written a sports romance, or even thought about it! But now I’ve penned one by myself and have an idea tickling at the back of my mind for another one. This f/f novella is part of the Hot Pink series by Ellora’s Cave—they’re having a huge celebration with lesbian titles this month with some fantastic deals and new releases going on. So if you love Sapphic tales, check it out!

Last, but certainly not least, is City Nights: One Night in Paris which was, by far, the easiest of these three novellas to write. Purely because it’s set in Paris, one of my favourite cities, and is a pure erotic romance – no sports involved ;) Having said that, I still had to do some research on areas I hadn’t been to, and to refresh my memory. And lest you think this was too easy, I’m now managing editor for the City Nights series so I’m commissioning and editing submissions to the line!

Hopefully my manic June has resulted in a little something for everyone—I hope you’ll check out my books and keep an eye on my social networks for future releases. Don’t forget to scroll down and enter my awesome giveaway!

Happy Reading,
Lucy x

Calendar Men: Mr June – The Other Brother Blurb:
Photographer Melodie Carr moved to New York City to escape and make a fresh start. Her soldier fiancé was killed in a friendly-fire incident in Iraq, and she has been struggling to come to terms with it ever since. She still feels strongly about needless death and those left behind, so when she sees a call for photographs for a calendar of topless men, with profits going to the Hero Family Fund, she’s eager to help out. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know any men that fit the profile, so she gives up on the idea. That is, until Patrick Brogan—her late fiance’s brother—turns up in New York. Seeing him brings up all kinds of memories, but she’s determined to push them aside and be friends with Patrick. She also realizes he’d be perfect for the calendar. But can she persuade him to take part?

Sweet Spot Blurb:
A Raw Talent book.

Virginia Miller is an up-and-coming tennis star. She’s gone from a ratty tennis court in a park in south London, England, to the world’s top training facility—Los Carlos Tennis Academy in California. In awe of the talent around her, Virginia is all the more determined to make the most of the opportunity and show that she’s worthy of her place there. Her mentor, Nadia Gorlando, has every faith in her.

But Virginia finds herself distracted—Nadia, as well as being a top-notch tennis player, is seriously sexy, and Virginia’s mind keeps wandering where it shouldn’t. Will her crush get in the way of her career, or can she find a way to push the other woman out of her mind before it’s too late?

City Nights: One Night in Paris Blurb:
Jacob is nearly forty, and has recently come to the sudden realisation that he’s not doing much with his life. Sure, he’s got his own successful business, but what’s the point in earning lots of money and not doing anything or going anywhere to spend it?

He’s in serious danger of being all work and no play, so he starts to rectify this by organising a twenty four hour layover in Paris en route to a meeting in Dubai. Whilst there, he goes on a bus tour of the city, and there meets Annabelle, a fellow Brit who’s studying in Paris. 

There’s clearly an attraction between the two of them, so when the gorgeous Annabelle makes an indecent proposal to help Jacob fill his time in Paris, who is he to refuse?

Author Bio:
Lucy Felthouse is a very busy woman! She writes erotica and erotic romance in a variety of subgenres and pairings, and has over 100 publications to her name, with many more in the pipeline. These include several editions of Best Bondage Erotica, Best Women's Erotica 2013 and Best Erotic Romance 2014. Another string to her bow is editing, and she has edited and co-edited a number of anthologies, and also edits for a small publishing house. She owns Erotica For All, is book editor for Cliterati, and is one eighth of The Brit Babes. Find out more at Join her on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to her newsletter at:

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Monday, June 23, 2014

#SecondChance #WesternRomance by @HolleyTrent @MusaPublishing

I'm super-excited to share Holley Trent's new release with you. Back to Storafalt is part of Musa Publishing's Finally Ever After reunion romance line, which Zane's Art and Wyatt's Guilt are also a part of.

He stood her up. Now she's standing out.

The last time Justine Eklund had heard from Gray Voss was when he’d agreed to take her to her sister’s wedding. He stood her up. Twelve years later, he’s back in Wyoming as the new owner of Storafalt’s only pharmacy. He didn’t come alone, though. He brought along the small cowboy town’s best-kept secret—his preteen son, Danny.

Gray wants to pick up where he left off. He never stopped loving the beautiful rabble-rouser, and thinks she’ll fit seamlessly into his little family. Justine yearns to reignite that old torch, but she’s wary. She’s not convinced her high school sweetheart will stick around.

Storafalt’s only school is on a rapid decline, so Gray may have no choice but to return Danny to the life they built in Austin. If he goes, there’s no way Justine can go with them. Unlike Gray, she’s rooted too deeply to leave.

“This is casual. Having sex with people you’re not involved with is casual.”

“I’d like us to be involved.”

“Are you on drugs?” She closed her eyes and cringed. Probably a bad joke to make to a pharmacist. “Don’t answer that.”

She finished buttoning her dress.

At that, he finally moved, slowly and sinuously toward his clothes.

She watched as if he were some sort of exotic cat she’d only ever seen in books.

He’d always been gorgeous, but he’d grown into that lankiness he’d had as a young man, and now he looked delightfully athletic. He certainly seemed strong enough, judging by the way he’d picked her up so easily and dropped her onto his desk.

He eyed her, his expression a curiously blank mask as he dressed. “I’m not on drugs, Justine. I meant it. Why couldn’t we pick up where we left off? Give me one good reason.”

Bells chimed at the pharmacy’s front door, and a boyish voice queried, “Dad? You here? I need more money.”


Gray’s jaw twitched.

“Dad, huh? Well, there’s a reason.”


To see all of Holley's books, please click here or here.

Holley Trent is the author of Executive Decision, Mrs. Roth’s Merry Christmas, and Her Resident Jester – all available now from Musa Publishing's Calliope Romance Line.

Learn more about Holley Trent on her blog and follow her on Twitter.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Making Your Own Power @samcheever @MusaPublishing #realitytv #multiculturalromance

Guest Post by Sam Cheever

The heroine of my newest release, The Biggest Poser, is a young woman of color who’s worked her way up to become a popular trainer for the Lose it! television show. Jillie is smart, fun-loving and determined to excel in an industry that tests a person’s strength of character with every moment before the camera. Jillie isn’t perfect. She has her own personal demons—a well-chewed fingernail is proof of that—but she’s worked hard to achieve what she has and will fight to keep it.

In short, Jillie makes her own power. Nobody gave her a top spot on a popular television show. Jillie earned that top spot. I love her for that. She’s an everyday hero in a world woefully short on heroes. Jillie isn’t sitting back waiting for her big break, she’s out there fighting every day for it. And when her spot is challenged by a nasty piece of work trainer named Deva Banks, Jillie doesn’t succumb to nasty tactics to beat the other woman. Instead, she doubles down on her efforts to beat the devilish Deva fair and square. In the book the trainers are fighting to win or keep the top spot on the Lose it! show.

But in real life the goal isn’t all about winning, it’s about staying true to yourself and using every obstacle, every challenge to create internal power that will help you weather all of life’s little setbacks. That’s what real power is…the capacity to thrive so that you can make the world around you better.
Jillie’s my inspiration. And I hope to be like her someday. When I grow up. #:0)

May the biggest liar win. Or die trying!

Personal trainer for the ever popular, Lose it! reality show, Jillie Maxwell is up for the most important award of her career. And she’s competing against the biggest b-eye-itch she’s ever met. Fortunately for her, she has the sexiest man alive in her corner. Problem is, each and every one of them has a dirty little secret that could tank a career.

For the contestants, the race is on to lose the most weight and win everything. For the staff of the popular weight loss show, the clock is ticking to the culmination of their lies and the possibility of losing it all.

Will the Biggest Poser win? Or will the lies just grow and grow until they sink the whole show? Only one thing is certain. Whatever happens, it’s gonna be an entertaining ride!


They sat in silence for a few more minutes, only the sound of water moving around Jillie’s gently circling legs disturbing the quiet.

Suddenly, Jillie pushed herself to her feet and stripped off her sexy short shorts.

Brandt looked up, catching his breath at the sight of her standing there in a teeny tiny black bikini. “You’re going swimming?”

“I have to do my nightly laps.”

“After the day you’ve had?”

“Especially after the day I’ve had. Routine soothes me. Besides, maybe I can ward off some of the soreness I’m probably gonna have after the mess I made of that run today.”

Jillie moved to the deep end of the pool, climbed up onto the diving board, and prepared herself. She stood on the very end of the board, her hands down by her sides and her eyes closed, as if psyching herself up for the dive.

Brandt pulled a leg from the water and bent it, leaning on it as he settled in to watch what he figured would be a spectacular dive. He wrapped himself up in the pleasure of watching her, smiling with the sheer joy of it. 

After a moment of contemplation, Jillie opened her eyes, swung her arms up, flattened her palms together, and bent slightly at the knees. With a powerful push of her long legs, she flew up and out, her body taking a taut bend in the middle and starting into the expected dive. But at the last moment she tucked her knees and, grinning widely, hit the water in a truly spectacular cannon ball.

A good portion of the pool’s water spewed out onto an unsuspecting Brandt and he shrieked, scrambling to his feet and jumping back.

But it was far too late. His tidy golf shirt and carefully creased khaki shorts were drenched, and water dripped from his hair and down his chin. 

Jillie’s head popped to the surface and she was laughing. She treaded water as he reached to pull the 
drenched shirt off over his head.

“You’re gonna pay for that, Ms. Maxwell.”

She didn’t look at all worried. “I don’t think you have it in you, Mr. Parkerson.”

“We’ll just see about that.” He took a running start and leapt off the side, landing on his butt in the water with a resounding smack that swamped her with water.

Jillie shrieked and disappeared under the resulting tsunami. Brandt reached for her and pulled her free of the water before she drowned. She was laughing hysterically as he pulled her out.

He snickered with her, groaning in pain.

“That sounded like it hurt,” she said.

“You have no idea. But it was totally worth it.” Brandt had hold of her arms as they both treaded water and he dragged her close.

He’d only intended to share some fun with her. Create a playful moment in reaction to her mischievous salvo. But as soon as her velvet soft, warm body pressed against his, his bare chest smashed warmly against her nearly naked breasts, Brandt forgot his good intentions and dragged her in for a kiss.
Jillie gasped against his lips, the heat of her body a sharp counterpoint to the cold of the water.

Fire and ice.

Brandt slipped an arm around her slim waist and pressed her close with a hand in the small of her back. He slipped his fingers inside the top edge of her teeny bikini bottoms.

Jillie opened her soft mouth and he captured her sigh of submission, savoring her sweet, spicy taste. She lifted her hands and slipped them over his jaw line, holding him in the kiss as her soft tongue tangled with his.

Her thighs bumped against his as they both treaded water and her rigid nipples scraped his chest.

Brandt’s body molded to her like clay warmed in the hot sun. He slipped his fingertips inside the bottom edge of her suit and groaned as he found warm, velvety skin beneath his fingertips. Arching his hips, he pressed himself into her soft belly.

He’d never before felt the kind of attraction the woman in his arms instantly inspired in him. When they were together, Brandt felt as if they’d known each other for a lifetime instead of a few weeks.

She groaned against his mouth and wrapped her long legs around his waist.

Brandt cupped her delicate chin with his hand and tipped her head, pulling his lips from hers. “God, Jillie. You make me crazy.”

Her tongue came out and swept his lower lip, tasting him. “Really?” Her lips quivered. “I guess you’re okay, but I can definitely take you or leave you.” She shrugged.

He laughed. “Liar.”


​Sam's published work includes 50+ books of romantic suspense and fantasy/paranormal. Her books have won the Dream Realm Award for fantasy and The Swirl (interracial romance) Award. They've been nominated for and/or won several CAPAs, have been nominated multiple years for “Best of” with LRC and The Romance Reviews, and have won eCataromance’s Reviewer’s Choice award. Sam is published with Musa Publishing, Changeling Press; and Ellora’s Cave. She also publishes as Declan Sands, writing m/m fiction, and under her own imprint, Electric Prose Publications.

In real life, Sam lives in a cabin in the woods with 13 dogs and one husband. A self-proclaimed dog-aholic, Sam insists she's holding at 13...maybe... 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Unexpected Vacation #NewRelease from @Jennah_scott @ellorascave #LGBTromance

Title: Unexpected Vacation
Genre: Erotic Romance (F/F)
Available: June 6, 2014

The one thing Savannah didn’t plan for on her wedding day was to be left standing alone at the altar. Runaway bride? Try runaway groom.

Haley had planned to stand at her best friend’s side through sickness and health, for richer or poorer…not to mention watching the woman she fell in love with marry a man she barely gets along with.

After Savannah’s wedding day falls apart, Haley has to push all her intimate desires to the side and be the supportive friend she knows Savannah needs. But was suggesting they go on the would-be honeymoon for a vacation to Bora Bora her brightest idea?

When emotions boil over, desires are shared—hello, nipple play and oral teasing—and the sun and sand beckon. And two women discover they need each other more than they realized.

Author Bio: Born and raised in Texas, Jennah is a transplant to Missouri long enough ago she should probably consider that her hometown. But she will forever be a Texan. She loves to write any story that will make a reader smile, laugh, and maybe even cry (although you won't ever hear her admit that she cries). Whether the next story she writes is contemporary, urban fantasy, LGBT, or whatever other crazy idea she comes up with, there will always be love and romance in the midst of trials and turmoil.



Savannah stood in front of the mirror, eyeing the wedding gown hanging behind her. She’d spent hours with her best friend Haley searching for the perfect dress. More time spent online trying to find the ideal undergarments. Her cream silk steel-boned corset fit perfectly. The lace boyshorts were another surprise for Mark. In a few minutes she’d step into the white dress with red trim and train with a red panel in the center lined with jewels then walk down the aisle to the man she loved.

“Savannah, sweetie, you need to get dressed.” Haley’s voice came from behind the mirror. She’d gone to change and walked around the full-length mirror wearing the one-shouldered, crinkle-chiffon Grecian-style bridesmaid’s dress. The deep red complimented Haley’s olive skin-tone. Her long black locks fell over her shoulders in soft waves. The woman was absolutely stunning.

“I know. I know. It’s just…” Haley stood in front of Savannah, blocking the view of the dress behind her. She wrapped her hand behind Savannah’s neck and pulled her head down so they were eye-to-eye.

“What? Talk to me.”

She took a deep breath. Could she really admit what was wrong? It was just cold feet, right? The butterflies in her stomach were completely normal. Every bride had an overwhelming urge to throw up just thinking about walking down the aisle. Right?

“What if this is a mistake? I love Mark, but maybe we shouldn’t get married. We’ve only been dating for a couple of years. Maybe we’re rushing things. My stomach is flipping in circles like I’m on one of those roller coasters that go upside down. The palms of my hands refuse to stay dry. I can hardly catch my breath when I think about putting the dress on and walking down the aisle. I don’t know what to do, Haley. Am I crazy?”

“No. You’re not crazy.” A smile spread across Haley’s lips. “You’re in love and you’re about to take part in an event that will change your life forever. There is nothing wrong with you, sweetie. It’s called cold feet and everyone gets it to some degree. There’s no such thing as moving too quick if you both love each other and are confident that this is what you want.”

“That’s just it. Maybe this isn’t what I want. What if tomorrow morning I wake up and realize Mark isn’t the perfect guy for me. What then? It’s too late to go back. Then there’s our friendship. What happens when I’m married?”

What if I wake up in the morning and you’re the one I look for lying next to me? Savannah shook her head. Every time Haley walked in the room lately, Savannah’s body fluttered with an emotion she wasn’t ready to identify. That had to explain the doubt she’d started feeling when thinking about getting married.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

$.99 Sale - Delicious Delay #MulticulturalRomance @LaylaTarar @DecadentPub

Delicious Delay by Tara Quan – 99c SALE!

Thank you for letting me share my multicultural contemporary romance, Delicious Delay. The book is currently on sale for a limited time. You can grab it for only 99c from Amazon, B&N, AllRomance, and Decadent.

After my own not-so-delicious delay in the Middle East, I set out to write something funny, sexy, and set entirely in an airport lounge. It’s a quick summer read meant to make your mouth water (from the food...) and your toes curl. I hope I’ve piqued your interest enough to give one of the links below a click. ~Tara Quan

Delicious Delay
Stranded in a Middle Eastern airport, Michelle Day finds herself the object of interest for an abrasive, but all-too-sexy stranger—a stranger who tempts her with the forbidden in a land where indecency could get her killed. But how does one say no to such a deliciously, relentless pursuit?
Khalid Al Dehri takes one look at the red-headed spitfire in the business class lounge and knew he’d either been transported to heaven—or hell. Her tart response to his surliness intrigues him beyond all propriety and the longer he spends in her company, the more he can’t deny his forbidden attraction. But will she explore the sensuality between them or will society’s rules keep them apart?
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Multicultural
Buy Links: Amazon | B&N | Decadent | AllRomance | GoodReads

About Tara Quan
Globetrotter, lover of languages, and romance author, Tara Quan has an addiction for crafting tales with a pinch of spice and a smidgen of kink. Inspired by her travels, Tara enjoys tossing her kick-ass heroines and alpha males into exotic contemporary locales, fantasy worlds, and post-apocalyptic futures. Armed with magical powers or conventional weapons, her characters are guaranteed a suspenseful and sensual ride, as well as their own happily ever after. Learn more at
He grinned. “So I have a proposal.”
She tried to get her breathing under control, without much success. “Why am I sure it’s an indecent one?”
He motioned his head toward the far end of the lounge. Latticed wooden screens gave that particular section more privacy. In an L-shaped room, the tucked-away location prevented a direct line of sight from the dining or reception areas.
He got up and offered her his hand. She hesitated for a long moment before taking it. With faltering footsteps, she followed him. More private or not, limits on how far this could go existed due to them being in an airport lounge. Since her self-control had chosen today to take a vacation, she appreciated the imposed constraint.
He lowered himself onto a plush leather sofa deep inside the cordoned area. With walls on either side and screens strategically angled, the space seemed to have been designed as a spot for people to nap.
On the brink of crossing a dangerous line, she hesitated. “What exactly do you have in mind?”
“I’m just giving you the opportunity to have your way with me,” he offered, his face the picture of innocence.
She hadn’t expected that answer. “I don’t quite follow.”
He kicked one of his legs out and tangled it with hers. She stumbled and instinctively moved her hands forward to brace herself. Her palms flattened over his hard muscled chest when she landed.
She traced the shape of his pectorals. “What do you do all day? Work out?”
He chuckled, the low rumble all male. “I have access to the best personal trainers money can buy. They help keep me honest.”
She shook her head in disbelief as the man preened. “Have you heard of a concept called humility?”
“It’s not one of my virtues,” he admitted. “I’ve never understood the point.”
She sighed. “It’s the polite thing to do.”
He placed his forefinger under her chin and tipped her head up, his expression playful. “So what is a sweet, polite, goody two shoes doing on top of me?”

Monday, June 9, 2014

New #houseoflords #regencyromance for @DominiEastwick @DecadentPub

The Marquis and the Mistress
The House of Lords Book 2
A 1 Night Stand Regency
By Dominique Eastwick
Publisher Decadent Publishing.
Price 2.99
45 Pages
Heat Level 4
ISBN 978-1-61333-703-5


Lord Simon James Winston, seventh Marquis of Breckinridge, can have anything he wants, except the woman he loves. After Chandra, his lover of two years, spurns his marriage offer, he does his best to forget her. When friends discussed the services of Madame Eve one night over cards, it seems like just the thing to get him over his heartbreak.

Mrs. Chandra Mallory wants nothing more than to marry her lord, but deep-hidden secrets threaten to destroy that dream. On a whim, the widow calls on the services of Madame, hoping a night of passion can help her move on.

Can one evening heal past hurts and concerns and help a marquis and his mistress realize true love is always worth the chance?



“What?” Shaking his head to clear the memories, he walked to the closed door at the other end of the room. He opened it and cursed upon seeing the large four-poster bed, draped in rich red-velvet bedding. Images of her stripped bare, her pale skin in contrast to the deep colors, hardened his cock. “It appears Madame Eve thinks of everything.”

“There is also a bathing chamber attached to that room.”

“Imagery I didn’t need.” Because if thinking of her naked in bed wasn’t enough, her in a warm bath certainly was.

She touched his shoulder. The simple gesture broke the small thread holding his self-control. Quicker than she could blink, he twisted and pulled her roughly into his arms. Claiming her mouth, he darted his tongue inside when she opened on a surprised gasp. He wound a hand around her waist and jerked her close so she felt how much he wanted her, while threading fingers into her hair, yanking at the pins holding it in its perfectly-coifed bun.

He waited for her to shove him away. Slap his face. Anything to give him a hint he had stepped over the line. But, with a deep moan, she circled her arms around his neck, drawing her small frame up for even closer contact. He deepened the kiss, backing her into the wall, tugging at the layers of fabric in her skirt and gathering them up past her hips. He placed his knee between her bare legs. The damned woman wore no undergarments.

The idea both angered and aroused him.

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Where you can Find Dominique
Twitter @dominieastwick

Meet the House of Lords

The DUKE His Grace Wolfe Thane, Duke of Foxhaven (The Duke and the Virgin)
The MARQUIS Lord Simon James Winston, Marquis of Breckinridge (The Mistress and the Marquis)
The EARL Lord Andrew Masterson, Earl of Windenshire (The Earl and the Virgin Countess)

The VISCOUNT Lord Jonathon Railey, Viscount of Aunton (The Viscount and the Heiress.)

Friday, June 6, 2014

Live in the Moment or Plan for the Future? 99cent sale on Capitivating the CEO @DecadentPub

I’ve always been a planner, but as I get older, I realize that the times I am happiest are the ones when I’m relaxed, living directly in the moment, enjoying life with my family. The times I am most stressed are also the ones where I haven’t planned well, and everything is blowing up in my face, leaving me stressed and overwhelmed by the moment. So, to live in the moment or plan for the future? I think most of us can agree there’s probably a compromise somewhere between those two extremes, but what happens when you put those two extremes together? In Captivating the CEO, sparks fly!

Colin Vanderhayden might only be thirty-five, but he has retirement on his mind full time. Those financial gurus who encourage you to save and scrimp and plan for the worse? They have nothing on Colin. He is all work and no play, determined not to let his life crumble around him the way he watched his grandparents’ plans for retirement dissolve into tragedy.

Then Willow Jeffries steps into his life. If Willow wants something, she does it now. She doesn’t defer gratification. After all, who can guarantee you’re going to be around in the future to enjoy all those things you put off? Certainly not Willow. She doesn’t know how much time she has, but she’s going to make every minute count right now, and what she wants to do most with her time is show Colin how to have to good time and relax.

And she might just be making progress, as long as she doesn’t slip up and allow Colin to start planning on her as part of his future…

When live-for-the-moment massage therapist Willow Jeffries bursts into Colin Vanderhayden's office, she makes it her mission to loosen up the future-focused CEO, knowing each moment of the present is too precious to waste. Despite her immediate attraction, the only future she can offer is one full of heartache.

The last thing Colin needs is a flighty woman messing up his carefully-constructed plans, but her heavenly massages and addictive personality prove hard to resist. But he has no idea how sick she is.

No longer able to ignore her life-threatening medical condition, Willow slips away to spare Colin a miserable future with her. Is Colin willing to sacrifice his well-laid future plans to get Willow back?

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Amazing Paranormal Powers at the #WiccanHaus #pnr

Those who have been following me or this blog know that the Wiccan Haus series captivated me from the moment I saw the cover for the launch book Shifting Hearts by Dominique Eastwick. I jumped into the series (and the paranormal world) with both feet, writing about two humans who needed the healing the Wiccan Haus offered in order to find their way back to each other in A Man Worth Fighting For.

For my second Wiccan Haus book Psychic Lies, I delved deeper into the Para world behind the Wiccan Haus, taking a closer look at some of the amazing powers these people possess… and the toll these special powers take on one’s soul.

Fiona must keep her ability to read minds during sex a secret from those determined to exploit her, especially a sexy truth-finding investigator who needs her psychic power to save his job.

Fiona has spent her life hiding her sexual mind-reading power at the risk of being exploited by the government. Instead, she pretends to have lifebond vetting powers like the rest of her family. When her fake power results in the death of an innocent woman, her life of lies unravels and she retreats to the Wiccan Haus.

Armando is the head of the Department of Truth-Finding for the Syndicate. To prove his unit’s worth to the government, he follows Fiona to the Wiccan Haus to expose her as an infiltrator of an enemy faction. The truth about Fiona is even more valuable to his people and his career.

Fiona uses her power to seduce Armando and stop his plans to betray her. But nothing is strong enough to keep her from falling in love with this man whose power threatens to destroy her. Now she must trust him, not only with her life and her psychic lies, but also her heart.

Buy Links:
Musa Publishing
Barnes & Noble
All Romance eBooks

I have just contracted for my third Wiccan Haus book, Loving the Amnesia Bride. I'm super-excited about this story of two humans who have no paranormal powers but need the powers of the Wiccan Haus to heal them.