Sara Daniel Romance Author: February 2015

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Addicted to Love - Once Upon a Marriage #MySexySaturday #BeyondFairytales @DecadentPub

She squinted at him. “You started drinking?”
“No, but I isolated myself from everyone. I let work become my addiction, and I pushed aside and hurt anyone who tried to get between me and my job,” Ian said.
Armina kissed his cheek. “Speaking of which, I ought to let you return to said business so you don’t have to work too late. I have plans for you tonight.”
“Nothing is going to make me work late tonight. And we’re way past the kiss on the cheek bit.” He covered her mouth with his and kissed her until he had to release her or forget all about waiting for evening.

How he would make it through the entire day until they could be together he had no idea.
How he would survive the rest of his life without her he refused to imagine.
He had to convince her he belonged by her side until “death do we part,” as they’d sworn in that Vegas chapel, not until “divorce decree do we sign.”

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Friday, February 27, 2015

The Complete Underground Series #99cent #boxset from @jsubject @DecadentPub

Book Title: The Complete Underground Series
Publisher: Decadent Publishing Company, LLC
Date Published: February 24, 2015
ISBN: 978-1-61333-784-4
Genre(s): Science Fiction Romance, Futuristic Romance, Dystopian Romance, GLBT Romance
Heat Rating: 4 flames - frequent love scenes  that are explicit and described using graphic and direct language
Page Count: 162

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In the future…

The corporation Planet Core holds all of the power. They place restrictions on the lives of those living within their boundaries, including who they can love. And there is no escape.

Deception runs deep…

The rebel group, calling themselves The Underground, is disputing the corporation’s leadership. With the desire for freedom, they will fight.

And betrayal can come from anyone…

Will the rebels defeat Planet Core, or end up fighting for their lives?

Includes: Never Gonna Let You GoNever Gonna Desert You, and Never Gonna Say Goodbye

Related Title: Rebels and Romance – print anthology of The Underground series


When the glide arrived at her stop, she stepped off with a swell of other riders. She crossed the asphalt road, once used for gas-powered vehicles, and took a deep breath. I’m finally home. Sliding her card to gain access to the secure building, her heart raced in anticipation. She needed to be with Erik, find out the truth, and reunite with the man she loved. However, her apartment door didn’t open.

“Access denied,” the robotic female voice rang out.

What? She tried again with the same result. Sliding the card faster or slower didn’t make a difference. She couldn’t get into her apartment building.

“Please vacate the area. Authorities have been notified.”

Calla’s stomach twisted. Her throat tightened. Was this Malock’s doing?

She pulled out her communicator and contacted the building manager. “Taylor, it’s Calla Jacobs. My card won’t work in the reader. Can you please open the door for me?”

He grimaced at her. “I’m sorry, Jacobs, but I’m under strict orders not to let you into the building. Your apartment has already been assigned to another employee, and your belongings were taken a week ago to Planet Core.” He disconnected, leaving her to stare at a blank screen.

A week ago? Malock had planned her demise before she’d even left for Airondelle? Tears threatened to fall. She wiped them away. With PC cameras all over the city, she imagined he watched her and laughed. She stood tall, not letting him get to her.

Although she had no possessions, no place to live, she could still live a happy life with Erik. But where was he if not at her apartment? After they’d decided to return to being friends, he’d moved to Planet Core claiming she would be too much of a temptation for him if they continued living together.

She dialed his communicator, hoping he’d be nearby. When he failed to answer, not once, but five times within ten minutes, Calla lost hope. Malock had ruined her as he’d threatened. She had nothing left. Her only option was to return home to her parents. A glide could get her there by nightfall.

She squashed that irrational thought. No! She’d rather live in the rumored underground cities than go crawling back to the two people who’d admitted they’d only had her to gain status in the business world. She couldn’t go back there. She’d rather take her chances and return to Planet Core.

Sirens hauled her back from her thoughts. A police hover bike flew past her and ground to a halt. Glancing in her direction, the officer pointed at her.

I haven’t done anything wrong!

When the bike circled toward her, she ran—her first instinct. Malock knew too many people, and he’d reminded his recruits every day when he’d dropped in on their training. She hadn’t realized how those words would affect her until  now.

The siren on the bike screamed behind her. She motioned to cross at the intersection where people and hover vehicles waited for the lights to change. But instead, she spun around the corner, hoping to throw off the officer. She peered over her shoulder to see if the bike followed her, and smacked into what felt like a brick wall. Landing on her ass, she stared up at the mountain of a man before her.

The guard from Planet Core.

She crab-walked backward across the concrete sidewalk. Hopping onto her feet, she fled back onto the main street. She traveled the way she’d come, unsure if anywhere would be safe. No one could escape the cameras.

Hurrying past her building, she spotted the hover bike reflected in its dark glass walls. The siren had been turned off, and the officer was almost on her. She scanned her surroundings for an escape route. Similar glass buildings lined the next few blocks, all owned by Planet Core. She couldn’t get into any of them now, and there was no place she could hide.

Her lungs ached from running. Maybe she should surrender. What then? I’ll be killed.

“Stop!” The officer on the bike rocketed in front of her.

At the same time, something grabbed her arm and yanked her into darkness. A cloth slammed over her mouth, muffling her cry. Shit! Things just went from bad to worse.


Never Gonna Let You Go:
“Her stories are so beautiful and hard to put down. But I must admit, this was my favorite one. Being I am a sucker for a good conspiracy, I was foaming at the mouth with this story.”
~ Offbeat Vagabond

Never Gonna Desert You:
“Never Gonna Desert You is a fast paced sci~fi romance that gives you pause and makes you think about what life might be like on Earth someday.”
~ Illustrious Illusions

Never Gonna Say Goodbye:
“I loved this story. Never Gonna Say Goodbye had a lot of heart, and engaged my emotions in a way that I wasn’t prepared for.”
~ Wicked Readings by Tawania 


Jessica E. Subject is the author of contemporary and science fiction romance, ranging from sweet to erotic. In her stories, you could meet clones, or a sexy alien or two. You may even be transported to another planet for a romantic rendezvous. 

When Jessica isn't reading, writing, or doing dreaded housework, she likes to get out and walk with her giant, hairy dog her family adopted from the local animal shelter.

Jessica lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and two energetic children. And she loves to hear from her readers. You can find her at and on twitter @jsubject.

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Commonly Asked Questions
·         What’s your book about?
The Underground series is about a group of rebels who band together to bring down the corporation, Planet Core, that runs the city. They are fighting for their freedom to live and love.
·         Where did you get the idea for this book?
The first story in the series, Never Gonna Let You Go, was inspired by a story I started in my high school Science Fiction English class. It’s changed a lot since the original, though. And Earth 2, a television show I watched as a kid may have inspired this story a bit, too.
·         What traits and other tidbits do you share with your main character?
That’s a difficult question. There are six main characters in this series, and I share different personality traits with each of them. Loyalty, and standing up for what I believe is right would be two main things I share with many of them.
·         Did any of your inspiration for this book originate in your real life experiences?
I wouldn’t say my own experiences, but the continuous fight I see many face for equality.
·         Does your book take place in a specific region that would make people take an interest?
The Underground series takes place in the future. While it is very different from our own world, there are some beliefs, flora, and fauna that resembles the way things are now.
·         Do you have another project in the works? If so, what is it?
I have several projects in the works at the moment. I’m writing an F/F space academy story (still untitled) for an anthology that will be out later this year. I’ve also started the third story in my Alien Next Door series, Alien Attraction, plan to finish Always Her Wingman, which I started last year, as well as write the first story in my Alien Generations series, a series about three different generations of female aliens living on Earth.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Double Dragon's Blood Anthology @kaliwillows @DecadentPublishing #urbanfantasy

DDDouble Dragon's Blood

Print Length: 222 pages
  • Publisher: Decadent Publishing (February 10, 2015)


Hidden within the pages of this anthology, are the impassioned journeys of four separate, erotic, urban fantasies. All are connected by the mystifying ancestry of descendants of the dragon. Two star-crossed lovers are torn apart after a single night of passion ends in tragedy, a three-way tryst that becomes a life or death ordeal, a jilted love triangle in an exotic land, a centuries old curse and ancient lineage that haunts a blood line for generations to come.

The Double Dragon’s Blood Series comes jam packed with tantalizing sex, riveting action and heart warming romance. Inspired by continuous requests of fans, Kali Willows has brought together her best selling stories of her delicious dragon twins and other sensational characters in one complete collection for you to indulge in. With the mysterious match making skills of Madame Evangeline and her 1Night Stand service, explore how it all began and unravelled for our dragon heroes and heroines.

Dragon’s Bond

In 1952, it’s not proper for a woman to chase after a man, but Lien Long is no ordinary woman. Shattered by his abandonment after their single night of passion ends in tragedy, she travels from a life of sexual servitude in Shanghai to San Francisco to chase her career, her dreams, and her one true love. Armed with new knowledge of her dark lineage and at the encouragement of a colleague, she enlists the help of Madame Eve to arrange a 1Night Stand, in hopes to find her way into the arms of her soul mate once more.

Cursed with an ancient legacy he knew nothing about, Shen Li flees to San Francisco after the devastating death of his twin brother. Tormented by the guilt and shame of his indulgence in lust and his longing he cannot diminish for his beloved, he accepts the advice of his mentor and boss, to contact the 1Night Stand services. He seeks an escape of passion to release his sins of the past and move on with his life. What awaits Shen is eye-opening truth about the life he had forsaken. Will he find the night of fiery paradise he hopes for?

Double Dragon Seduction

Gwen Trembley is disturbed by the upcoming wedding of her reprehensible ex, and coping with her emerging fiery talent. Gwen seeks the services of 1NS for a night where new carnal knowledge will revive her damaged soul. Madame Eve has the perfect arrangements, but perhaps twice what she bargained for.

Twin brothers Tatsu and Yong Li, are in desperate need of a unique woman who can accept them as inseparable. They carry not one, but two secrets. These exotic brothers can’t be with just any woman, and if Gwen is willing to try, she will face the most passionate, lust-filled night of her life, but will she survive? Will they? 1NS finds a match they never expected possible.

Dragon Temptation

Cindy Dunham has become sexually emaciated, after a long dry spell and no prospect of romance in her near future. With her best friend’s upcoming wedding, loneliness is taking the lead, and she is starving for erotic rhapsody. The prospect of a blind date for the nuptials is embarrassing, but a necessary evil. The match Madame Evangeline finds for her leaves her reeling with conflict and jealousy. Will she ever get her carnal hunger gratified?

Yong Li, is no longer satisfied being the third wheel in his brother’s love life. Desperate to branch out and have an experience all his own, he is fraught with his ancient affliction that runs interference with the prospect of any normal relationship. Having had a life altering 1Night Stand before, he seeks the help of his old friend, Madame Eve to find a new mate just for him.

Dragon’s Breath

Eternal suffering is the fate dealt to Roark Blackwell. A fierce protector under a curse, he longs for a woman can never have. By day, a hideous stone creature, and by night, a flesh and blood immortal, starving for the touch of a single woman. After centuries of torment, he takes his destiny into his own hands and seeks the help of Madame Evangeline. For a single night, he wants to feed his carnal cravings, but what happens when morning comes?

Living dangerously comes second nature to Kaida Lee. Struggling with her dark sexual appetite, her fiery temper and her ancient lineage makes finding an ideal match impossible. A descendent of the dragon, she has a genetic burden that no mere mortal could withstand. Having two cousins succeed in romance with the aid of their friend Madame Eve, she seeks satisfaction through the services of 1Night Stand.

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1347845015About the author
Her goal in life? She has many, but her writing goal is creating emotional, compelling stories and characters you can't help but love, hate and cheer for.

A good cup of tea with the crackling fire gets her creative juices flowing in the wee hours of the night, when the house is quiet
and she can type away to her heart's desire.

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Monday, February 23, 2015

Portrait of a Lone Wolf by @Katalina_Leon #NewRelease #BlackHillsWolves @DecadentPub

Guest Spotlight by Katalina Leon

Portrait of a Lone Wolf is book 7 in Decadent Publishing’s multi-author series, Black Hills Wolves. Portrait of a Lone Wolf is my first contribution to the series. I have a second book coming soon.

A mixed-blood Native American wolf-shifter, abandoned by a teenage mother and ignored by an absentee father, Rio Waya has never fit in or felt worthy of love. But when he comes home to the Black Hills, he realizes he wants a mate of his own. 

Recovering from a cheating ex who started a new family behind her back, Sela López seeks escape to pull her life back together. As a documentary filmmaker and wildlife photographer, she rents a cabin in the Black Hills with plans to film the beleaguered wolf population. But she’s so busy looking through a camera lens she doesn’t see trouble coming. 

Sparks fly as mutual fears and vulnerabilities surface when Sela and Rio meet. She can’t figure out why the mysterious Mr. Waya is so anxious about having a documentary made of the Black Hills Wolves. But when his secret is exposed, all hell breaks loose. Can Rio win Sela’s trust and soothe her fears about allowing a hunky wolf-shifter into her heart? 

From the corner of her eye, Sela glimpsed a huge silver-furred canine dart from under a table, push a swinging door open with its muzzle, and disappear.
“Did I just see a wolf?” Sela gasped.
A rude sputter surged past Gee lips. “A wolf?”
She pointed toward the swinging door. “A large animal ran in there.”
Gee appeared unfazed by her claim. “I hope not. That’s our kitchen.”
Sela sat at the bar. “I think I’ve got wolves on the brain. May I please order some food? I’ll take anything.” She glanced with suspicion at a cylindrical, vaguely obscene-looking item set on a plate. “I’ll probably be sorry I asked, but what is that?”
“Fried pickle.” Gee grunted. “House specialty. Not too sure what we’ve got left. If you’re hungry for something else, you’d do better going down the street.”
“The ice-cream stand? It looked like they were closing for the night.” Sela’s gaze drifted toward Mr. Hard-To-Read. On second glance, she noticed how attractive he was in a rugged, swarthy sort of way. A fringe of thick lashes softened his commanding dark eyes, which might have appeared intimidating to some. The detail added a touch of beauty to an otherwise tough guy face. He was busy tapping his palm against an inverted bottle of ketchup. Crimson sauce dripped over a glistening patty three fingers thick. To add to the torment, he swirled a golden fry into the luscious puddle.
She turned toward Gee. “Any chance of getting a burger?”
Gee crossed his heavy arms in front of his chest. “I’m pretty sure the grill’s shut down for the night. Plaid shirt got the last one.” He offered the plate on the countertop. “How about a cold fried pickle instead?”
Her heart sank. “Is there a grocery store near?”
“Yes,” Gee answered with a snort. “Won’t do you no good. They don’t open until eight a.m.”
The dark-eyed man slid his plate toward her. His gaze simmered. “You can have this one.”
Shocked by his gesture and almost salivating at the same time, she shook her head. “I couldn’t take your meal. What about you?”
The swinging kitchen doors burst open. A man with a rumpled head of silver hair stormed toward the counter while tying an apron around his waist. “Last call for food!” He sounded breathless. “Who needs something from the grill?” He pointed at Sela. “How about you? What can I get you?”
Gee looked appalled. “Damn you, Clive. I almost had her talked into the pickle.”
“Don’t be a grouch,” Clive muttered. “The sooner the lady’s served the sooner she can be on her way.”
Bio: Katalina Leon is an artist and author who can’t commit to a single genre. Her favorite playgrounds are historical, Sci-fi, contemporary, and most of all paranormal realms. Katalina brings a sense of adventure and a touch of the mystical to erotic romance. She believes there's a daring heroine inside every woman who wants to take a wild ride with a strong worthy hero.
Black Hills Wolves, “Portrait of a Lone Wolf” book 7, Katalina Leon
Decadent Publishing.

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Twitter: @Katalina_Leon

Friday, February 20, 2015

Publishing Curveballs - Musa Publishing Closes Its Doors

Just when I think I have my ducks in a row and have a good publishing plan for the next six months, someone shakes the snow globe of the publishing world, and I’m floating aimlessly around with hundreds of other snowflakes of authors—all of us unique, yet the same, on our seemingly random publishing trajectory.

I learned today that Musa Publishing will be closing its doors in one week (on February 28, 2015). All books will be pulled down from vendors, and all rights will revert to authors. Musa has been nothing but aboveboard with its authors from the beginning. All royalties have been paid on time and with wonderful financial transparency.

Today feels like a funeral for a friend who has unexpectedly passed away. I didn’t see this coming. Musa was not only my first digital publisher but also the home of my most recent releases. I had a new release in the Wiccan Haus series on January 2nd (Loving the Amnesia Bride), and I had pulled a self-published book (Haley’s Man) to bring it under Musa’s erotica imprint, where it just released on January 30th and is still on a new release blog tour. I even completely rewrote and revised my very first Musa book, and I was so excited to sign a contract to re-release it this coming August.

Despite the sadness, frustration and uncertainty, Musa’s closing presents opportunities for my books to find new homes where they will be well-loved and reach new readers. I am confident A Man Worth Fighting For, Psychic Lies, and Loving the Amnesia Bride will find a new home soon. If you want to read Mr. Forever, Zane’s Art, Wyatt’s Guilt, or Haley’s Man, get them this week or be prepared to wait for a while I corral those darn ducks back into a row!

By the way, if you want a great deal, you can find all my Musa titles and all other Musa Publishing books for 80% off through the Musa Publishing website.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Need a Grammar Checker? @Grammarly to the rescue! #amediting

"We proofread 400+ freelancer profiles from all eight categories of the Elance platform for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. To adjust for quality of work, we only selected freelancers with an average rating of four stars or above. We then looked at correlation between earnings and number of mistakes. We hope the direction the data is pointing in spurs some thought and conversation about the importance of good writing."

Go to to find out more.

Monday, February 16, 2015

One Night in Madrid #ReleaseBlast by JD Martins @cw1985

City Nights: One Night in Madrid by JD Martins


Danny left Dublin for Madrid two years ago, but still scans the crowd in the Irish pubs for the face of someone from home. Though doubtful he'll ever recognise anybody, one evening he sees Aisling, a girl he'd known - or wished he'd known - at university. Beautiful but haughty, she'd always ignored Danny, and though he'd fantasised about making love to her, she'd never so much as smiled at him.

To his amazement, Aisling is extremely friendly when she meets him all these years later and away from home. She is still snobby and condescending, but Danny decides to make her night as enjoyable as he can, hoping for one last chance to impress her and make his teenage fantasies come true. As the sultry Madrid night progresses, mere lust grows into affection, and Danny begins to see her snobbery as something else entirely. Will Aisling see Danny as more than just a way to pass her night in Madrid?

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Draining the glass, Danny placed it on the bar, debating whether to have another pint, or stroll home and have a glass of wine while he prepared dinner. The plan was just one pint, but he needed to tell himself that twice; once when he went into the bar and again when he'd finished the drink.

And then he saw her.

She stood quite near, surrounded by a tight knot of people at the edge of the dance floor that had parted momentarily. She wore a cotton summer dress that showed the sweep of her shoulder blades and spine. The dress was floral, red with splashes of black and dark blue. She wore soft brown leather sandals that were almost invisible against her tanned feet. Her toenails were painted red but her fingernails were French polished. A silver or white-gold bracelet hung from her right wrist, and on her left she wore a silver wristwatch, which a discreet look later told him was a Patek Philippe. In her ears she had diamond stud earrings, and on the ring finger of her right hand was a silver ring with a blue stone he couldn't identify.

He didn't see her face straight away, yet something deep inside him said it had to be her.
In college, he'd often stared at this girl's long blonde hair from a few seats behind in the lecture theatre, while far below them a maths professor droned on about matrices. He knew the shape of her head and neck, had observed her tie up that hair, amazed at the beauty of the fine, straight filaments, the way the strands slid like silk over one another, yet held as one tight rope. When she was an infant her mother had clearly decided ever cutting such hair would be a sin, and she’d concurred. She plaited it, put it in a ponytail, tied it up around a clip made of what seemed to Danny like a piece of wood and two chopsticks, or simply a spare pencil. Sometimes it splayed out across her shoulders like a cascade of spun gold. Now it was pulled up in a silver clasp, to reveal the nape of a long, fine neck, and soft-skinned shoulders.

Those shoulders had been bared before, in a hot September of their freshman year, and later, during the intense study month when the cherry blossoms bloomed and fell across the lawns of campus. Danny had fantasised about slipping off that shoulder strap, letting the silky string fall down along her arm, trailing his fingers along her collarbone and ribs and pushing aside the top to expose her breasts.

When she turned around in the bar and he saw her face, Danny instantly searched through his memory to match her visage, and see all six numbers of recognition. It came out a winner. She stared back at him, her brain no doubt doing the same. Although still early, and most—apart from the pre-marriage revellers—were only on their second or third drink, Danny thought she must have been fairly merry already, because as she recognised him she smiled.

She’d never smiled at him before—not in four years of college. Then again, they’d not interacted much. They'd never really talked, never attended the same classes after second year. He'd always told himself she’d never smiled at him because she didn’t know him. Once or twice, of course, she'd turned around, casually, and seen him. But she'd seen lots of others sitting behind her, too. The back rows of the lecture theatre were filled with Danny's friends, who'd varying levels of interest in her hair and the maths lecture; from zero to all-absorbed.

The chance to get to know her had never come around. She'd majored in chemistry, Danny in computer science. He had taken a chemistry class in second year, but she'd always seemed to sit on the opposite side of the theatre then. His gaze had often paused upon her face as he searched through those assembled in a lecture the way he did through the throng of a bar.

She was stunning. Her frame was that of someone who was fit without effort. A swimmer or a gymnast at some point, she had a fine body, breasts the way Hemingway described, wide womanly hips and a behind that eyes or hands could never tire of. She had crystal blue eyes like deep Antarctic ice, and a button nose. Her mouth was perfect. Her teeth had had money spent on them, but her lips were natural; she had a dazzling smile. But before that moment in a Madrid bar, Danny had only received the coldness of those glacial eyes.


JD Martins has been called Spanish, Mexican, Chinese, Philippine and English and Australian. He is none of these.

He's lived in four cities in three countries on two continents, but he doesn't feel like he's travelled very much. His life in each city was rather mundane and he didn't get out much - tending to move his pen more than his body.

He still aspires to see much more of the world - probably when his wife becomes rich enough to let him retire from day jobs.

He would like to live like Ernest Hemmingway: periodically sending novel manuscripts to his publisher from various far-flung corners of the world, though he's not sure the quality will be quite the same. Until then, he has contented himself with living like Robert Graves - in a pleasant part of Spain with a quiet life - and being able to do some things that Hemmingway did - trout fishing in Spain, game hunting in Africa, watching bullfights and running with the bulls, - and a few that he did not get to do - surfing, skydiving, bungee jumping, and getting erotic stories published.


Friday, February 13, 2015

#MySexySaturday Valentine's Day #WhyImSingle Psychic Lies #WiccanHaus

She stared, open-mouthed, as he set the chair down opposite her. “You’re going to sit with me?”

“Of course. What did you think I planned to do?” He shot her another disarming smile and stretched his hand across the table to touch her fingertips. “Is that okay?”

“Of course,” she lied. She pulled her hand free. His fingers were warm against her icy ones. She hadn’t been able to shake the chill since seeing that lifebond ring in meditation class, but already her soul warmed in his presence. Blast her traitorous thoughts. She’d much rather stay shivering cold than allow any man close. That would never change, even if she managed to redeem her disgraced Vetter status.

“Wonderful.” He smiled, showing off his strikingly white, straight teeth.

She couldn’t stop herself from smiling back. He had the most beautiful mouth she’d ever seen.

“So, I’ve been wondering.” Armando eyed her speculatively. “What makes you never want to see another lifebond ring as long as you live?”

He sure knew how to pop a mood killer of a question. She tried to think of a plausible reason someone would freak out over a generic ring. “Oh, you know, everyone else finding their lifebond partner and rubbing it in the single lady’s face.” She shrugged, painfully aware her excuse was paper thin and made her look like she was fishing to hook up with him.

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Thursday, February 12, 2015

#CharacterInterview from Captivating the CEO #officialtranscript @DecadentPub

In honor of Congenital Heart Defect month, I have asked Willow Jefferies and Colin Vanderhayden from Captivating the CEO to interview each other. Here is the transcript:

Colin: I made up a list of questions for us. Do you want to ask me first, Willow, or should I interview you first?

Willow: You made up a list of questions? Are you serious? Let’s just wing it. It’ll be more fun.

Colin: I’m expecting a call in five minutes. We need to cut to the chase. First question, what are your plans for the future?

Willow: *rolls eyes* Definitely to take you to the back room and strip you out of this suit and discover if your underwear matches your blue tie.

Colin: You need a serious answer. This interview is going to be printed. For example, my plan for the next year is to increase my portfolio by ten percent, and my ten-year plan is to—

Willow: *yawwwwwn* My massages to work out your tension are obviously not having an effect. How about your plans for this weekend? You want to go skydiving and then I’ll seduce you?

Colin: *chokes on his coffee*

Willow: You’re right. Who wants to wait for this weekend? Let’s do it now.

Colin: We’re in the middle of an interview. Can we at least attempt some professional decorum and maybe one more question?

Willow: Of course. You’re running the show. How about this question? Why did you hire me as your massage therapist when I am constantly blowing off that professionalism you try so hard to maintain?

Colin: Because your hands on my neck and shoulders are heaven.

Willow: Yep, it’s definitely time for me to put my hands somewhere else that’s proven to reduce stress. *wink*

*phone rings*

Colin: That’s my call. This interview is over.

Willow: Oh yes, it certainly is. And you’re not answering that call either…

Captivating the CEO
By Sara Daniel
Genres: contemporary romance, office romance, medical romance, new adult
He only plans for the future. She might not have a future.

When live-for-the-moment massage therapist Willow Jeffries bursts into Colin Vanderhayden's office, she makes it her mission to loosen up the future-focused CEO, knowing each moment of the present is too precious to waste. Despite her immediate attraction, the only future she can offer is one full of heartache.

The last thing Colin needs is a flighty woman messing up his carefully-constructed plans, but her heavenly massages and addictive personality prove hard to resist. But he has no idea how sick she is.

No longer able to ignore her life-threatening medical condition, Willow slips away to spare Colin a miserable future with her. Is Colin willing to sacrifice his well-laid future plans to get Willow back?


Cupping her face with his hands and angling his mouth, he poured the intensity she'd previously only seen him devote to his work into turning her body into a tingling, craving mass of need. She loved the way he cradled her-so gentle, yet firm.

Stars danced in front of her eyes, but she willed them away to press her tongue between his lips. No matter how light-headed she became, she refused to miss a moment of the kiss. Colin's mouth made the opportunity to enjoy worth the risk of passing out.

But, too soon, he broke off, panting, his eyes dilated with desire. “I have to get that.”

“Get what?” His words made no sense, then her ears started ringing. No, not her ears. His damned phone.

“Of course you do.”

But he'd already turned his attention to a conversation he gave far more importance to than anything she offered.

Sinking onto the couch, she pressed her fingers to her still tingling lips. Dear God, she hoped she didn't affect him as strongly as he affected her. If he became emotionally invested, she'd bring pain and misery into his life.

Author Bio:

Sara Daniel writes irresistible romance, from sweet to erotic and everything in between. On the personal side, she's a frazzled maid, chef, chauffeur, tutor, and personal assistant. She battles a serious NASCAR addiction and was once a landlord of two uninvited squirrels. She follows research and new developments concerning tricuspid atresia and other congenital heart defects, and she holds a special place in her heart for “heart kids” and their families.

Contact Details:

Monday, February 9, 2015

Thumbs-Up Ham and Potato Soup #recipe from #kidlit author @sharonledwith

Guest Post by Sharon Ledwith

In my book, Legend of the Timekeepers—the prequel to The Last Timekeepers series—Istulo, a high priestess from the Black Land is a whiz when it comes to concocting potions and elixirs. But I bet she’d trade an arcane secret or two just for a taste of this mouth-watering ham and potato brew. Easy to prepare with a prep time of 20 minutes and cook time of 25 minutes, this heavenly soup will get a thumbs-up from even the fussiest high priest or priestess in your brood.

Thumbs-Up Ham and Potato Soup
3½ cups peeled and diced potatoes
⅓ cup diced celery
⅓ cup finely chopped onion
¾ cup diced cooked ham
3¼ cups water
2 tbsp. chicken bouillon granules
½ tsp. salt, or to taste
1 tsp. ground white or black pepper, or to taste
5 tbsp. butter
5 tbsp. all-purpose flour
2 cups milk

Combine potatoes, celery, onion, ham, and water in a stockpot. Bring to a boil. Lower temp to medium heat. Cook until potatoes are tender, about 10-15 minutes. Stir in the chicken bouillon, salt, and pepper.

Melt butter over medium-low heat in a separate saucepan. Whisk in flour and cook, stirring constantly until thick, about 1 minute. Stir in milk lowly as not to allow lumps to form until all. Continue stirring over medium-low heat until thick, 4-5 minutes.
Stir the milk mixture into the stockpot, and cook soup until heated through.

Serve immediately.

Now, while you’re waiting for the potato and ham soup to digest why not put your feet up and relax with a good book? Ready for a trip to Atlantis?

There is no moving forward without first going back.

Lilith was a young girl with dreams and a family before the final destruction of Atlantis shattered those dreams and tore her family apart. Now refugees, Lilith and her father make their home in the Black Land. This strange, new country has no place in Lilith’s heart until a beloved high priestess introduces Lilith to her life purpose—to be a Timekeeper and keep time safe.

Summoned through the seventh arch of Atlantis by the Children of the Law of One, Lilith and her newfound friends are sent into Atlantis’s past, and given a task that will ultimately test their courage and try their faith in each other. Can the Timekeepers stop the dark magus Belial before he changes the seers’ prophecy? If they fail, then their future and the earth’s fate will be altered forever.

To read an excerpt from Legend of the Timekeepers please click here.

Legend of the Timekeepers Buy Links:


Download the free PDF short story The Terrible, Mighty Crystal HERE.

Check out The Last Timekeepers series Facebook Page.

Sharon Ledwith is the author of the middle-grade/YA time travel series, THE LAST TIMEKEEPERS, available through Musa Publishing, and is represented by Walden House (Books & Stuff) for her teen psychic series, MYSTERIOUS TALES FROM FAIRY FALLS. When not writing, researching, or revising, she enjoys reading, yoga, anything arcane, and an occasional dram of scotch. Sharon lives a serene, yet busy life in a tourist region of Ontario, Canada, with her hubby, one spoiled yellow Labrador and a moody calico cat.

Learn more about Sharon Ledwith on her website and blog. Stay connected on Facebook and Twitter.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Meet my Promo Besties - #ShareTheLove Giveaway Hop #writerslife

We're Sharing the Love this week and surprise bombing bloggers and authors we adore with a little love! Hop by all of the blogs for chances to win great prizes at each stop and find out which authors and bloggers we think are so darn special!

Writing might be a solitary endeavor, but marketing and promotion certainly are not. Below are my promo "besties" who deserve a very loud shoutout for all they do.

Sloane Taylor will not only help you get the word out, she'll also help you cook dinner. Seriously, she is that awesome.

Sharon Ledwith not only has my back in every promotional effort, she also links to the most helpful professional articles on the web, constantly improving my A game.

Lizzie T. Leaf has a monthly Behind-the-Scenes interview column for Night Owl Reviews with industry professionals, which is a source of great information.

Emilia Mancini and Marci Boudreaux know publishing from every side and angle, and they're not only generous with their knowledge, they're a great inspiration, as well.

I've linked to all their blogs above for you to check out at your leisure. To enter to win a copy my paranoral Wiccan Haus novel, Psychic Lies, be sure to follow everyone on Twitter and subscribe to my newsletter.

Fiona must keep her ability to read minds during sex a secret from those determined to exploit her, especially a sexy truth-finding investigator who needs her psychic power to save his job.

#LoveSpanks 2015 - #FreeRead F/F romance "The Briefcase"

Love Spanks 2015 is here!

The rules, in brief (full version here):
1.      Register here
2.      Visit all 17 blogs and leave a high-quality comment responding to the story content. Deadline: Midnight EST (UTC-5) Sunday, February 8
3.      Add VIP, FF (F/F author), A (non-F/F author), or Amb (Ambassador) to your comments
4.      Join the Facebook/Twitter author chats and parties
5.      Prize announcements Saturday, February 14!
For more information, updates, and a list of participating authors, please visit Governing Ana (main page) or Love Spanks 2015 (announcement page)

Like us on Facebook!
Twitter hashtag: #lovespanks

(The Briefcase free read has been removed from this blog but can be read in its entirety in the Love Spanks anthology)

Author Bio: Sara Daniel writes what she loves to read—irresistible romance, from sweet to erotic and everything in between. She battles a serious NASCAR addiction, was once a landlord of two uninvited squirrels, and loses her car keys several times a day. This is her first F/F romance. Subscribe to Sara’s newsletter: