Sara Daniel Romance Author: Interview with Patrick! Shadow Eyes Re-Release #BlogTour and $50 Amazon Card Giveaway @dustycrabtree

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Interview with Patrick! Shadow Eyes Re-Release #BlogTour and $50 Amazon Card Giveaway @dustycrabtree

Guest Post by Dusty Crabtree

Thank you for hosting me, Sara! It’s been a long time coming, but I’m so thrilled to finally be re-releasing my young adult, urban fantasy, Shadow Eyes! It was first released in 2012 by Musa Publishing. Musa closed in 2015, and since Shadow Eyes was my first novel, I took the opportunity to revise and change a few minor things before self-publishing it this time. I am very happy with this second version and I hope you will love it too!

(Everyone, don’t forget to enter the rafflecopter below for a chance to win a print copy of Shadow Eyes and a $50 gift card to Amazon!)

Let’s check out the synopsis for Shadow Eyes first…

Iris thought she could ignore the shadows…until they came after everyone she loved.

Seventeen-year- old Iris Kohl has been able to see both dark and light figures ever since a tragic incident three years ago. The problem is, no one else seems to see them, and even worse…the dark figures terrorize humans, but Iris is powerless to stop them. 

Although she’s learned to deal with watching shadows harass everyone around her, Iris is soon forced to question everything she thinks she knows about her world and herself. Her sanity, strength, and will power are tested to the limits by not only the shadows, but also a handsome new teacher whose presence scares away shadows, a new friend with an awe-inspiriting aura, and a mysterious, alluring new student whom Iris has a hard time resisting despite already having a boyfriend. As the shadows invade and terrorize her own life and family, Iris must ultimately accept the guidance of an angel to revisit the most horrific event of her life and become the hero she was meant to be.

Okay, now to the interview with the one and only, Patrick!
(Note: This is pre-ending Patrick, since he does change somewhat…)

So, Patrick, why do you think Dusty Crabtree chose you for this interview?

Well, don’t tell anyone, but I think she has a small crush on me.  It’s embarrassing, really.  I can’t say that I blame her, though.  It’s her fault anyway for making me so smooth and desirable.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Patrick Morris.  I live in Indiana.  Dusty describes me as a blond-haired, green-eyed James Dean, so uh… (sniff) …I guess you could say I’m a ladies man.

Will we be seeing more of you in the future?

Oh, Dusty won’t be getting rid of me any time soon.  I’m kind of a big deal.  At least to Iris I am, and she’s an even bigger deal.  So, yeah, I think I’ll be sticking around for the long haul.  At least until this series is over.

What is your perfect evening?

With Iris, just relaxing.  No distractions.  Nobody and no-thing getting in the way.

What really pushes your buttons?

When people try to ask me about my father losing his job or anything else I’m uncomfortable with.  Basically anything about my past.

What are your biggest turn ons?

One word…Iris.

What are your biggest turn offs?

Kyra.  People getting in my business.  Doing things I really don’t want to do.

What do you like most about Iris?
Well, I would say “everything,” but I’m assuming that’s too corny and cliché and that you’re looking for a more specific answer, so…let me try again.  I love her innocence and naivety.  There’s just something so sweet about that quality in her.  It kind of melts me heart, to be honest.  But if anyone asks, I didn’t say that.

What do you like least about Iris?

I know this will sound weird, but the same quality I love, kind of gets annoying too.  Sometimes I wish she would just open up her eyes and see what’s truly going on around her.  It would make my life a whole lot easier.  Well, more difficult at first probably, but in the end, a lot easier.

What, if anything, would you like to change about your life?

A decision I made about a year ago.  It was probably the worst decision of my life, and now I’m paying for it. 

What is your biggest fear?

That Iris will find out my secret.  But also, that she won’t.

Why should readers be interested in your story?

There is way more to me (not to mention Iris and some of the other characters) than meets the eye.  If you want to know my whole story, complete with my dark and brooding past, you’re going to have to read about it.

Author Bio:

Dusty Crabtree loves a good story, but she also loves young people. These two loves are evident in all parts of her life. She has been a high school English teacher since 2006 and a creative writing teacher since 2014. She's also been a youth sponsor at her local church for as long as she’s been teaching. She feels very blessed with the amazing opportunities she has to develop meaningful relationships with teens on a daily basis. With her love of reading in the mix, becoming an author of young adult books was just a natural development of those two passions in her life. She lives with her husband, Clayton, in Yukon, Oklahoma, where they often serve their community as foster parents.

Check out Dusty’s blog at
Follow her on twitter at
Follow her on Instagram – dustycrabtree12
Buy Shadow Eyes on Amazon or other major online bookstores like Barnes&Noble and Apple (print will also be available on Amazon by the release date – 9/2/16)

To see other posts on this tour and to increase your chances of winning, visit Dusty’s blog for the schedule with links as they are posted. (link to my post -


  1. Thanks for having me today! By the way, Patrick wanted me to apologize for the typo. Although he has been known to steal some hearts, he is no pirate. Lol!

  2. The story sounds very intriguing.

  3. I'm really excited to read this!!! And Dusty, I just wanted to say that you were one of my two favorite teachers in high school. I am grateful I have the privilege to say that I was your student.

  4. Sounds interesting, looking forward to reading it.
