If you take a minute and Google images
for “story structure,” you’ll see graphs, triangles, circles,
connect-the-dots, etc. All of these methods must have worked for someone, and
many of them share very similar elements expressed in different ways. I’m not
going to tell you that a certain method must
be used to structure your story. That’s for you to experiment with and discover
what works for you.
If you feel like you’re muddling through your book and you’re not sure how
far along your story should be progressing by now, I highly recommend borrowing
Michael Hauge’s brilliance to reorient yourself. My friends once pulled me out
of line at a writers’ conference to drag me to his workshop with the promise
that what he had to say was so good “it will change your life.” I won’t go that
far, but if you ever have the opportunity to hear him speak, I emphatically
urge you—DO NOT pass it up.
Thanks for the tip, Sara.